LinkedIn offers analytics for company pages. Thanks to analytics you’ll get to know better your audience (people who visit your page or interact with your brand).
Once you know who your audience is you can target them more efficiently thanks to CDP.
CDP Integration with LinkedIn
You never heard of CDP?
CDP (customer data platform) is an integrated customer database that collects data from both online and offline channels. It unifies all of the company’s customer data to improve analytics, enhances user experience, and allows modeling and predicting.
And the good news is that you can connect LinkedIn with CDP.
If you integrate CDP with LinkedIn you can easily build audience segments and thus target users. You can segment users according to their job function, seniority, or demographic information (age, education, gender, etc.).
This way you can reach the people that showed interest in your brand (they interacted with your LinkedIn company page, visited your website, viewed your ad…) and retarget them efficiently.
Now it’s up to you to consider the many advantages CDP integration brings you.
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